What Is The Test Required For A CSCS Card?
The test required for a CSCS card is the CITB Health, Safety & Environment Test (HS&E). People sometimes also refer to the test as the CITB touch screen test, as the test is completed on a touch screen computer. These are all the same test. Ultimately, if you are looking to obtain your CSCS card then you must take the CITB Health, Safety & Environment test.
Please be aware that there is also something called the Health, Safety & Awareness course (HS&A) which only construction workers hoping to obtain a CSCS Green Card will need to complete, alongside their CITB test. This is completely separate from the CITB test and can be booked separately under Health, Safety & Awareness (HS&A) Course.
The CITB test is something any worker would need to have passed within the last 2 years, no matter what CSCS card they desire. You will not be able to obtain a CSCS card without passing this CITB test.
The CITB test is a touch screen test that can be taken at one of over 150 CITB approved test centres throughout the UK. The test is multiple choice and consists of 50 questions in total. More information on all of the test centres you can book your test at can be found on our website under ‘Test Centres’.
In essence, this test is an important way for construction workers to show employers that they are able to be safe on site. The aim of this test is to examine a candidate's knowledge across a wide range of topics to improve both safety and productivity on site.
Are there different types of this test?
There are 3 different types of CITB test that you can take and they are as follows:
- Operative – This test may be required when applying for the CSCS Labourer card, Trainee card, Apprentice card, most CSCS Blue Skilled Worker cards and also most CSCS Gold Advanced Craft cards.
- Manager and Professional – This test type tests for everything that you would find within the operatives test. However, further material relevant to managers and professionals will also be included. This test is usually required when applying for the CSCS Black Managers card and the Academically or Professionally Qualified person card
- Specialist – This test type tests for everything in the operatives test, plus further material relating to a specialist area such as supervision or working at heights. Specialist tests are required when applying for the CSCS Gold Supervisor card, as well as CSCS Blue Skilled Worker and Gold Advanced Craft cards in some occupations.
More information on this can be found on the ‘Which Test Do I Need?’ section of our website.
What Does the Test & Retake Option Mean?
The test & retake option allows for you to take your test whilst also providing you the safety net of being able to rebook your test with us free of charge should for any reason you fail on your first attempt.
When purchasing a test and retake option:
- You will only be allowed one free retest.
- You must book your free retest within 7 days of failing your first test by emailing us on the contact us page.
- The retest is non transferable between different people.
Do I need to do the online HS&A course first before I take my CITB test?
Should you be looking to obtain your CSCS Green Card, please note that there is no set order in which you must complete your CITB test and your Health, Safety & Awareness Course (HS&A). You can complete them in whichever order suits you best. Therefore, if you have booked your CITB test and have not yet booked your Health, Safety & Awareness Course there is no need to worry or to cancel your CITB test booking, you book your HS&A course right away. More information on booking your HS&A course can be found on our website here: Online Health, Safety & Awareness Course For CSCS Green Card.